About Us

(pronounced DOG HOUSE) is a small, Los Angeles based CA registered non-profit dog rescue organization that was formed to give a second chance to dogs and people. We are a 501(c)3 rescue group (Tax deductible EIN 46-5121802) and your donations are tax deductible. 100% of your donations benefit our rescue dogs. The organization is run by volunteers and funded entirely by donations and adoption fees.
All our dogs are spayed or neutered, up-to-date on their shots and micro chipped before being adopted. While at the rescue, medical care is provided for each dog based on their individual needs.
We can't guarantee the future health of the dog, and adopters are encouraged to take the dog to their own veterinarian for a thorough exam. Our rescue office is located in Glendale, CA. All our rescue dogs are placed at their foster care in LA/OC/Riverside area.
Our Goal:
*Rescuing dogs from life threatening situations at animal shelters and elsewhere.
*Finding their permanent loving homes with qualified owners.
*Assisting owners of dogs who can no longer keep them to find them new homes.
*Educating the public about the advantages of adopting dogs from shelters and rescue organizations, and about the need for spaying and neutering dogs.
*Educating dog owners and prospective owners with dogs about their proper care and training, and about other aspects of each breed.

(founder / executive director)
Many years ago, I was just like you... looking for the adoptable dog from a local shelter/rescue. When I visited the shelter the first time,
I realized how many dogs were in urgent condition at the shelter just waiting to be euthanized.... it made me very sad and I left the shelter crying. I asked myself what can I do for help... I wanted to do something for them. Because I loved a dog very much. I became a volunteer and started networking those shelter dogs... helped whatever I could do at that point. I did not even think to start my own rescue group at the time.
I am often asked it is so sad to visit the shelter and why I can continue visiting....
It is not easy... I often go back to the shelter parking lot, sit in my car, have a deep breathe and sometimes even cry when I visit there for evaluating dogs. Still, if we tried, one more dog may have a chance to leave there alive.
I was very shy when I was child... but I grew up with dogs and they were always there for me. I founded DOGzHAUS in end of 2013 to rescue more dogs from life threatening situations. I would like to return my appreciation to dogs as many as possible. Because they always helped me and still help me.
Hopefully, you consider to do something you can do for helping. As they always bring happiness to us, it's our turn to bring happiness to them.